Security Tips to Protect Your Mac in 2024

Kevin Hollington

by Kevin Hollington

As cybercrime continues to increase, more people are realizing that they need to take their online security into their own hands. In this article, you can get some tips on how to best protect your Mac in a simple way and secure your data.

To keep your Mac safe, there are plenty of different things that you can do. Often the built-in security settings aren’t functioning properly if you don’t follow up on them. This leaves your Mac vulnerable and exposed to the increasing threat of cybercrime. Aside from your Mac’s security settings, there is a long list of security measures that you can take to stay safe in 2023. Read more about them here.

Keep your macOS software updated

The first and simplest thing that you should always make sure to do is to keep your Mac’s own software and program updated. It is very simple to update your software to the newest OS X version, which usually has fixed several security problems in the previous version. Go to your system preferences and find the software update button.

Change the privacy setting and default settings

When you’re already in your settings, you should also take a look at the privacy settings and the default security settings. Your Mac can potentially have settings that give a variety of apps access to view and share your data. This can be accessed to your data such as calendars, contacts, location, etc.

This is also a good time to take a look at the passwords you use on your Mac. Both to your Mac and its settings, but also on all the accounts that you access via your Mac. Make sure that you update all these passwords regularly and that you always use strong and unique passwords.

Use a high-quality Mac antivirus program and a VPN

The next thing you should do is to get yourself a high-quality antivirus program. Find one that is specifically made to fight macOS malware. This is to keep you safe from things like ransomware, spyware, phishing, keyloggers, and other data breaches. Protection against these types of attacks should be at the essence of your security efforts.

Another thing you should get for your Mac is a VPN. VPNs are great to protect your Mac from hackers when you use public Wi-Fi or unsecured websites. The third thing you can also consider getting is a firewall if you want to increase your safety further.

Use iCloud two-factor authentication

Another impact to stop hackers is two-factor authentication. This is the extra layer of protection that will stop hackers from being able to access your accounts even if they do have your passwords. When you use two-factor authentication for iCloud, your account will be much more secure. You can easily do this by going to system preferences on your Mac. Find many more tips on Mac here.

Kevin Hollington is a seasoned tech journalist based in Los Angeles with a penchant for all things Apple. He started writing about Apple products in 2007 and it’s been a love affair ever since. He has spent over a decade testing and writing about iPhones, iPads, Macs, and other Apple products. In his spare time, he likes nothing more than catching up with the latest news and sports podcasts on the beach.

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