iPhone 14 Pro Max Flashlight Turns On By Itself? Fix

By Moses Johnson - Managing Editor
3 Min Read

Many users have complained that the flashlight on their iPhone 14 Pro Max accidentally turns on by itself. This happens while their phone is locked and, often, while it is in their pocket. On the iPhone Lock Screen, there is a (non-removable) flashlight button; the problem seems to be that this button gets accidentally pressed while in someone’s pocket. It is definitely an annoying sort of problem – cluelessly walking around with light beaming through your pants – and there is the secondary problem of battery drain caused by the flashlight being on for long periods of time.

If the tap happens when you place the iPhone in your pocket, or while you’re walking, the LED can remain ON for a long time. Obviously, every second of usage drains your iPhone’s battery and you can end up with an overheated phone with almost no battery left!

iPhone 14 Pro Max Flashlight Turns On Randomly

I’m not sure if this happens because of a modified iOS 16 setting, or due to a change of sensitivity in the current flagships, but ever since I updated to the iPhone 14 Pro Max, I’m facing this issue.

Recently, I found that the iPhone 14 Pro Max flashlight would turn on by itself almost daily. Sometimes, I could spot it right away thanks to the small vibration, while placing the device into the pocket of my jacket.

However, often enough the flashlight would stay enabled in my pocket for tens of minutes, if not hours and considerably deplete my iPhones battery!

How To Fix iPhone 14 Pro Max Flashlight Turns On By Itself

The flashlight shortcut cannot be removed from the lockscreen, but there are several ways to quickly turn it off before you accidentally blind the wrong person. If the flashlight is turning on while inside your pocket, there are a few tweaks that you can apply. Here’s what you can do to prevent your iPhone 14 Pro Max Flashlight from turning on by itself.

Note: information in this article apply to iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Plus, iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max.

1. Disable Tap To Wake

The iPhone 14 Pro Max include a feature called Tap to Wake, which, much as it sounds, allows the locked iPhone screen to wake up with a tap anywhere on the screen. This makes a lot of sense because the device does not have a Home button to press and wake the screen, so a tap anywhere on the display sort of replicates that Home press function, but Tap to Wake may also lead to a lot of unnecessary screen waking, and theoretically any erroneous screen waking may lead to a accidental taps on the flashlight icon, available in the bottom-left corner of the Lock Screen.

Although not ideal, you can prevent the iPhone flashlight from turning on randomly, by deactivating the Tap to Wake feature. This will prevent the screen from waking up when you tap it, thus prevent any accidental taps on the flashlight icon, available in the bottom-left corner of the Lock Screen.

Here’s how to turn off Tap to Wake:

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Tap Accessibility.
  3. Select Touch.
  4. Toggle the switch next to Tap to Wake.

There is, of course, a downside to turning off Tap to Wake. A lot of people use this feature pretty often; anytime you want to quickly check the time on your phone, especially if you check the time while you are in bed, you just tap the screen. With Tap to Wake turned off, you will need to press the side button to wake your iPhone.

2. Disable Raise To Wake

“Raise to Wake” is a feature designed to make it quicker and easier to start using your phone after picking it up. It allows you to just lift your phone to start using it, rather than having to press any buttons. Generally, when you pick your phone up, you want to use it.

“Raise to Wake” means you don’t have to hold your phone in such a way that you can press the side button to turn it on. One of the downsides is that the feature creates the opportunity of accidental flashlight icon taps.

Here’s how to turn off Raise to Wake.

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Tap display & Brightness.
  3. Toggle Raise to Wake to OFF.

3. Turn off back tap

You can double-tap or triple-tap the back of iPhone to perform actions such as taking a screenshot, turning on the flashlight, running a shortcut, and more.

Here’s how to turn off the back tap flashlight on your iPhone:

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Tap Accessibility.
  3. Tap Touch.
  4. Tap Back Tap at the bottom of the page.
  5. Tap Double Tap.
  6. Tap non.
  7. Tap Back Tap at the top-left corner of your screen, then tap Triple Tap.
  8. Tap non.

4. Place iPhone On The Opposite Side

I’ve noticed that the iPhone flashlight turns on randomly when you place the device with the screen towards the outside of your pocket.

To prevent this try to store your phone with the display towards the inside. Does it help?

Are you also annoyed by accidental iPhone 14 Pro Max flashlight taps? Did the above tips help out? Do you know a better solution? Use the comments section and share your feedback.

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By Moses Johnson Managing Editor
Moses Johnson is the Editorial Director of GeeksModo.com, who has a keen eye for news, rumors, and all the unusual stuff around Apple products. Moses is commonly referred to online as The Professor, with decades of experience in tech under his belt.
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