How Digital Signage for Apple TV Software Works

GeeksModo Staff

by GeeksModo Staff

Grab your digital sign (or a TV) and grab your Apple TV box. Plug it all in, which is easier than it sounds because it is all plug-and-play. Then, add your Apple TV signage software, such as the Kitcast program, and you can start streaming your digital sign content to your screen. Not only that, but you can also scale up the process so that you are screening the same information to several screens, or you can rig a setup where you have different things streaming to different screens. Here is a quick review of how digital signage for Apple TV software works.

Downloading and Installing the Software

These days, downloading and installing your digital sign software is just as easy as downloading and installing Candy Crush or Angry Birds on your phone. If you wish to operate your digital sign using the Internet, then you will need to visit your dashboard online and register your new device.

This may seem like busy work, or perhaps even like some sort of Microsoft-inspired piracy protection, but it is actually for your protection. If you register your devices, then other people can’t put your content on their screens without your permission. It also means that if somebody steals your digital sign or Apple TV box, then you can deactivate it so that they cannot use or steal your digital sign content or settings.

The sign-up procedure is pretty simple. You link your device and name it. Choose your names very carefully because you may eventually have many digital signs. When you launch the Kitcast app on your Apple TV, you will be given a code that allows you to link your device to your Kitcast online account and/or your digital sign software.

Create Your Content

You may already have all the content you need for your digital sign, or maybe you are streaming live data, in which case it doesn’t matter if you create fancy content. You can choose between both when you use good digital sign software.

You can choose live feeds and all sorts of data-driven content by using various widgets on offer. For example, you can have a live feed of the weather in your area by adding a live weather widget and setting the surrounding area as its target location.

On the other hand, you can choose to make your own digital sign content. If you use a good piece of digital sign software, like that offered by Kitcast, then you can use smart templates. These are templates that allow you to drag-and-drop information and slot content into the template. These templates then run like well-made digital sign content. As far as anybody is concerned, a professional designer created your content to look as slick and smooth as a TV advert.

Getting Your Own Content Up There

If you are using your digital sign software over the Internet, which is the easiest way (especially if you have multiple screens), then uploading your own content is just like adding it to Facebook or YouTube. You can then arrange and schedule it using the Kitcast app or Kitcast dashboard.

Even if you created some content using the smart templates system, you can still schedule your content to run both the template stuff and your own videos. In fact, if you just want a slideshow of images, then you can do that too.

Getting Live Feed Information

As hinted at earlier, all you have to do is add a widget to get live feed information. Getting something like the weather up there is easy, especially when it comes to setting it up. But, you can also add a slew of other widgets. You can get live feeds for everything from news on current wars to bitcoin prices. If you were part of a bigger company, you could even have your own data streamed as part of your digital sign strategy. For example, many call centers have their sales quotas or waiting times fed into their digital signs so that their employees can see how much more is needed before they hit their targets or go over the call-waiting threshold.

GeeksModo Staff is a team of iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple Watch experts led by Moses Johnson. We're passionate about all things Apple!

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