How to fast charge iPhone 12 mini in 2022

by GeeksModo Staff

Charging your phone isn’t as simple as just plugging it in. Here is how to fast charge your iPhone 12 mini.

It’s a known fact that chip technology is progressing at a rampant pace but batteries are struggling to keep up with the changes. Sure, we might have fast charging tech to counter it, but at times, it’s just not enough. So, today, we are going to share some tips on how to fast charge iPhone 12 mini and hopefully help you juice up quicker and get online faster.

See also: How to fix iPhone 12 mini charging issues

How to Fast Charge iPhone 12 mini

Here’s how you can fast charge iPhone 12 mini and spend more time online:

1. Use a fast Charger

When it comes to the iPhone 12 mini, you might be wondering why it takes so long to charge. Apple no longer includes the standard USB charging brick with the iPhone 12 mini, iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro or iPhone 12 Pro max. There is only one cable included in the box — a USB-C to Lightning cable. With the old USB-A charger it takes over three hours to charge in full. But the phone does come with Fast Charging support. And Fast Charging allows you to recharge your iPhone 12 mini battery up to 50 percent in just 30 minutes. And up to about 80% in an hour.

Now, when it comes to fast charging your iPhone 12 mini you need the proper accessories. You need to get an Apple’s 20W USB-C Fast Charger. Using a USB-C cable and USB-C charger will allow the iPhone 12 mini to charge at faster speeds. Using USB-C, you can charge the iPhone 12 mini to 50% in about 30 minutes. The highest wattage the iPhone 12 mini will use is around 22 watts, so a 20 watt or 30 watt charger will result in the about same charging speed. But basically any USB-C charger will be significantly faster than the old USB-A chargers. Make the investment, it’s totally worth it.

2. Enable Airplane Mode

One of the biggest draws on your battery is the network signal. As a general rule, the worse your signal, the faster your battery will drain.

Consequently, if you live in an area with a poor signal, charging your iPhone takes longer than if you reside in a place with a strong signal — the signal is eating through your power as you charge.

The quick solution? Put your iPhone in Airplane Mode before you plug it in. Testing suggests it could reduce the amount of time needed for a full charge by as much as 25 percent.

To put your iPhone into Airplane Mode, simply swipe down from top right of your screen and tap the Airplane Mode icon.

Just make sure you turn it off again once your battery is full!

See also: iPhone 12 mini keeps losing signal? Fix it here

3. Turn off Your iPhone

Simple, obvious, but often overlooked. If your iPhone 12 mini is turned off while it’s powering up, it’s going to charge a lot faster. Nothing will be drawing on the battery while you fill it up.

4. Use a Wall Socket

Using a USB port on your computer or in your car leads to a much more inefficient charging experience.

Typically, non-wall socket USB ports only offer a power output of 0.5A. Wall socket charging will usually give you 1A (depending on your device). There’s nothing wrong with receiving a lower amperage — it won’t harm your device — but you’ll definitely be twiddling your thumbs for a lot longer.

5. Buy a Power Bank

If you need to recharge your iPhone 12 mini while you’re on the go — for example, if you’re often out travelling all day — a power bank can be a lifesaver.

Many power banks offer the same amperage output as a wall socket, and in some cases, even more. But a word of warning, while your iPhone might charge faster with a two-amp output, you need to make sure your USB cable can handle the extra power.

6. Don’t use Wireless Charging

I’m not going to criticize wireless chargers — they entail fewer cables, and that’s something I’m sure we can all get onboard with.

However, if charging speed is your number one priority, you should avoid them. They offer a considerably slower charging experience than their wired counterparts. In fact, testing suggests they could be as much as 50 percent slower.

Why? There are two reasons. First, it’s more efficient to transfer energy through a cable than via simple contact. Second, the wasted energy manifests itself as excess heat. More on that in point seven.

7. Avoid Cases While Charging

As odd it may sound but a case on a hot summer day might actually throttle your charging performance and may even lead to battery damage in the long run due to increased heat. So, in order to fast charge iPhone 12 mini at a respectable rate, take that case off for a while, it’s totally worth it.
See also: How to fix iPhone 12 mini overheating issues

How to fast charge iPhone 12 mini? Now you know!

I’ve introduced you to seven ways you can make your iPhone 12 mini charge faster. If you work through the tips methodically, you can save time charging your phone.

I’d love to know what else you’d add to this list. Have you found an iOS setting that considerably alters the amount of time it takes to recharge your battery? Do you know about a accessory your fellow readers can purchase to make the charging process easier?

Now that you’ve fixed slow charging, check out how to fix other common 12 mini problems. And if your iPhone 12 mini won’t charge at all, try these fixes.

GeeksModo Staff is a team of iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple Watch experts led by Moses Johnson. We're passionate about all things Apple!

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