How to Turn Your iPhone Into a Dating Device

by GeeksModo Staff

iPhones are great because they are easy to use and come with a lot of useful apps. The vast majority of people love iPhone because they make a living in the modern world so much easier. It’s easy to stay in touch with important people, learn all the news, read about anything, and have fun. However, some people still don’t know how powerful their iPhone is when meeting new people and dating. It’s time to change that.

If you own an iPhone, you know how much fun it can bring you, but you maybe don’t know that many people use iPhones to keep their love life alive. According to more than one women dating site, seniors are more active (on average) than younger singles on dating sites. And almost all of them use mobile versions or free apps of those dating services.

Another study from 2019 proved that seniors spend more time in front of their screens than ever before. 2 years passed since that study was conducted, and COVID made us all stare at screens more than ever, so numbers are even higher now.

Be on a Wire All the Time

On that note, being online more than other dating sites is a great strategy to get more dates. Thankfully, the iPhone has a fast processor and long-lasting battery, so you can outlast competition wherever you are. Being active on dating sites will let the algorithms know you’re serious about your intentions, so you’ll become more visible to other members. On most dating sites, you’ll appear higher in search results than other members who login every once in a while.

Also, you’ll be the first one who’ll see all the new members by being online. You can send a message and welcome them to the world of online dating. Like all of that isn’t enough, one of the most popular filters on every dating site is “online now”. Members don’t care about people who aren’t there because they don’t want to wait for their messages. That means that staying online on dating sites will certainly get you more attention. Then it’s up to you to capitalize on that attention.

To Use All iPhone Benefits

You may not be aware of the specifications your iPhone has. We’ll explain some of them you can use to be more successful while meeting people online on dating sites. We won’t focus on 1 iPhone because different people use different models. All of the following benefits are obvious on any iPhone anyway.

perfect camera – you’ll bless Apple for providing an iPhone with such a powerful camera once you start chatting with other singles on dating sites. Every dating service enables sending photos and videos in chat. If you use an old phone with a bad camera, you won’t show yourself in the best light. On the other hand, if you use an iPhone, you’ll look amazing in photos and videos. That will certainly boost your chances of getting dates.

fast processor – the worst thing that can happen to you while exchanging messages and photos on a dating site is a long loading time. Imagine the frustration both of you’d feel when you’re expecting a hot message, but your phone can’t load it. If you’re an iPhone user, that will stay in your imagination because your smartphone will never let you down.

you can increase the font size so you can chat without wearing glasses – it may seem like that’s nothing special, but if you aren’t used to wearing glasses, you know how much trouble they can give you. Luckily, Apple makes it easy to increase font size in Safari on iPhone.

Turn on Dating Site Notification

This is one trick a lot of people who use dating sites or apps forget about. They register to date sites, usually more than one, but they don’t turn notifications on, so they miss most of the fun. Logging in once a day to check messages or see who viewed your profile isn’t a good strategy because your potential matches will send messages to other members.

Do you think they’ll wait for your answer while other singles are bombarding them with messages? Of course, they won’t. They’ll arrange dates with other people, and you’ll be sorry you didn’t turn the notification on. By turning on dating site notifications, your iPhone will let you know when somebody sends you a message, so you’ll be able to answer immediately. That will lead to a lot more excitement online and in person.

GeeksModo Staff is a team of iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple Watch experts led by Moses Johnson. We're passionate about all things Apple!

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