12 iPhone Settings you Should Turn off Right Now

by GeeksModo Staff

In this article, i’ll show you 12 iphone settings that every iphone user should turn off and, of course, alongside them. The reason to why you should turn off those settings on your iphone right now.

iPhone settings you should turn off right now

The first iPhone setting you should turn off is found under safari settings. Go to settings > Safari and scroll down to location. Now, here you can give access to websites to your location, but of course you don’t want to do that. If you have the settings set at allow, then this will allow any website that you visit on safari to have access to your current location. Of course, that should never be done, go ahead and just switch to ask. Now every time location services is required by any website that you visit. It will ask you whether that website can use your location or not. If you put it on deny, that will completely turn off location services for all websites, but of course, sometimes you might need it on a trusted website. You can just go ahead and have safari ask you for permission, then, of course give permission to access your location on that website.

The second setting is also found under the safari settings. Now this is not like a setting that you have a switch to turn off, but I suggest you go ahead and take a look at it. Go to settings > Safari and scroll all the way down to advanced. Here, you’ll have website data. Now what you can find here is a list of all the websites and the data that they have stored on your device. I normally do a regular cleanup on my device. I regularly clean up the history and safari the data and all that- and I still here have 340 megabytes. If you don’t like to clean the data on your device, probably will have way more here. So what you can do here is just remove all the website data. This is like cookies and all the data that websites store. Of course, you can go ahead and remove them here, or you can just tap the edit button and remove them one by one. You can also show more websites. If you click show all sites, you will see a ton more that take less space and, of course, you can basically clean all them simply by tapping on Remove All Website Data Button and of course you will always have the option from the front page to clear all the history or data of the website.

The next setting you should turn off is found under the notes settings. Simply go to settings > notes and you’ll find an option that says: save to photos. Now. What this does is that all the media that you have on your notes, maybe scans or stuff like that- will also be saved to the photos app. So if you have this enabled it will basically just take up space on your device. Maybe you just scan the document and you will have it saved on notes as well as on photos. So of course you don’t need two of them. They just take space on your device that you might need for other stuff, so make sure you go ahead and turn this off.

Next up is a setting found under the music settings. So when you go to settings > music, you just scroll down to downloads and you will find your downloaded music and here, we’ll see a button that says automatic downloads. Now, if you have this enabled, anytime you purchase a song on iTunes, It will just go ahead and download it automatically on your device, so it will just store it on your iPhone and will take up a ton of space. What I suggest you do is go ahead and turn this off. Of course, if you use apple music and you have data all the time, you don’t need these songs to be stored locally on your iphone and take up a ton of space.

The same thing has to be done for the podcast settings. This is the next setting we’re talking about you go to Settings> podcast. You will see a section that says download episodes. Now, here. You will find the option to basically enable automatic download for all the new episodes or all unplayed episodes. What it does is just download automatically all podcast episodes to your device, and that will take a ton of space. Of course, these podcasts will be hours long, so that will take a ton of space. So what I suggest you do is go ahead and turn this off in order not for the podcast to be downloaded and stored on your device locally.

The next setting you should turn off is found under face id and passcode, and this is really important. You go to Settings > face ID & passcode and you will find a list of things that can be accessible from the lock screen, even though the device is locked. Two of these settings are really important: Reply with message and also return missed calls. So basically, if someone gets your device. They will be able to reply to a message that you get even though the device is locked, of course, that might be a very important conversation and someone can just send any text they want. So, of course, you want to turn this off and also return missed calls option. It will be better for your privacy, so make sure you go ahead and check this list. There are also other iPhone settings you should turn off right now on this screen.

The next setting is found under siri and search, so you go to Settings > Siri & search > Announce messages, and right here, you’ll find announce messages with siri. So anytime, you have your AirPods on or stuff like that, it will basically announce the message that you get. One setting that you should turn off is reply without confirmation. So, if you’re replying to someone, of course, you want to make sure that you have dictated the right reply to siri, so you want to have siri, read it back to you before they send it to someone. So go ahead and turn this off and then siri of course, will read the message first to you and then we’ll send it to the contact that you want.

Under siri and search. You also find here siri responses. Now this is really interesting, so when using siri, she sometimes just speak out loud, even though you might have your device on mute. So right you will find basically your options, so you will have always. This is the default. It will always speak out a lot, but what I suggest you do is go ahead and use this one only with hey siri. So, basically, when you don’t want siri to go off with a loud sound, you go ahead and turn it on using the side button when you want it to have a reply. Basically, with a loud speaker, you simply say: hey siri and then of course it will speak. The reply to you is so much more convenient than having siri basically telling you something out loud, maybe on an environment that you don’t want to do that.

The next setting is found under accessibility, so go to settings > accessibility and find siri right here, and you will find a button that says always listen for hey siri. Now, what this does is that it will basically have siri listening all the time, even though your device might be laying face down or anywhere, it will always be listening for hey siri. That will not just basically turn on
without needing many times, but it will of course, consume a ton of battery as it’s always staying ready in the background and waiting for your command so go ahead and turn this off

another setting that I always suggest people to turn off is found under display and brightness, and it is raise to wake. Now, this is basically useless, but it will just consume a ton of
on your device. So when you basically pick up your phone or take it out of your pocket, it will automatically turn on the screen of your device. Maybe that’s cool and all that, but it consumes a ton of battery so make sure you go ahead and turn this off again.

The next setting you should turn off is found under the cellular settings. So you go to settings > cellular and scroll all the way down until you find iCloud drive. Make sure you have this always disabled. If you have this enabled- and you have a limited data plan, then this will be very, very bad for you. It will just use your data to transfer files to iCloud files and data when you’re not connected to wi-fi. If you turn this off, it will be much better. The files will be transferred only when you’re connected to the wi-fi network. Of course, if you have an unlimited data plan, you can always turn this on. But if you have a limited data plan, make sure you have this turned off.

Last but not least, is another setting that is found under cellular section. It is called wi-fi assist. Now, what this does is that it automatically switches to your cellular data when you have a poor connectivity to your wi-fi network, so you will basically not even notice when you switch to the cellular data and it will consume a ton of it, of course, if you’re watching youtube- or something like that. So what you want to do is go ahead and turn this off and, of course, you can turn cellular data on manually when you need it. This is always when you have a limited data plan, because if you have unlimited data plan, you can go ahead and turn this on and, of course that will be good. But if your data is limited, then make sure you have this turned off in order for you to save your data and not just spend them without even knowing that you’re connected to your cellular data.

So that is it for this article folks. These are 12 settings that every iphone user should turn off right now on their device. I hope you guys enjoyed the article. Hopefully you found it helpful. Go ahead, leave a comment. Also don’t forget to check out other articles on the site.

GeeksModo Staff is a team of iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple Watch experts led by Moses Johnson. We're passionate about all things Apple!

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