iOS 18 – How to control iPhone by making sounds

Use the Sound Actions feature to perform functions on iPhone

By Moses Johnson - Managing Editor
1 Min Read

One of Apple’s Accessibility features in iOS 18 lets users make simple sounds to perform functions. Here’s how to get it set up.

An Accessibility feature called Sound Actions lets users trigger different features in iOS or even run a Shortcut. For example, you can quickly launch the Control Center with Sound Actions by making an "ooo" sound.

There are fourteen sounds the user can make to trigger a near-infinite set of actions.

Sound Actions allows you to make sounds to perform actions such as the following:

  • Launch the App Switcher
  • Open Flashlight
  • Lock the screen rotation
  • Lock the Screen
  • Access Control Center
  • Access Notification Center
  • Adjust the volume
  • Take a screenshot
  • Scroll up or down
  • Activate Siri

Setting up Sound Actions

  1. Open the Settings app
  2. Tap "Accessibility"
  3. Select Touch
  4. Select "Sound Actions”
  5. Tap a sound, then assign an action to it.
  6. You can also tap Practice to practice sounds before assigning one to an action

More on iOS 18:

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By Moses Johnson Managing Editor
Moses Johnson is the Editorial Director of, who has a keen eye for news, rumors, and all the unusual stuff around Apple products. Moses is commonly referred to online as The Professor, with decades of experience in tech under his belt.
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