Top 5 Highly Recommended Language Learning Apps for iPhone in 2024

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Learning a new language can certainly prove quite challenging, yet it can also prove very rewarding. Knowing more than one language is not only an accomplishment that one can be proud of, but can also open new doors. Like to travel abroad? Impress natives by speaking in their tongue. Work for a reputable employer that rewards advanced education? Improve your chances of pay raises and promotions by learning a foreign language.

Mastering a language that’s new to someone is not going to be an easy feat. It can prove so difficult to many that a lot of software engineers have used this particular fact as a motivating factor in deciding to develop new applications that are geared toward aiding in this endeavor.

Without further ado, let’s now examine the five best applications available for the iPhone variety of smartphones in 2021.

Language Learning Apps for iPhone in 2021:

1. Duolingo:

Duolingo is an excellent app. of choice for anyone who is interested in learning a new language and enjoys playing games. Users gain experience and also Lingots, the game’s currency, as the foreign language is studied and then questions are answered, correctly.

The application is free, with in-app. purchases available and there is also a ten dollar a month paid version option, which removes advertisements and includes some additional features. One can learn over 25 different languages utilizing the application. Duolingo uses spoken conversation as one of its main tools to help teach a foreign language. The app. reinforces continuous learning and use of the app. by penalizing users for not using it after a while in the form of dropping in the game’s skill-level rating. It is a really practical technique that does a great job at motivating users to use the app. regularly.

2. Memrise:

Especially for visual learners, Memrise exists as an excellent app. to aid in learning a new language. Visual cues, such as memorable animations, for example, are paired with phrases and users can even select from different options in this regard, to help them choose which one would help them remember the lessons the best.

Memrise quizzes users frequently to help reinforce the knowledge. After a few new words are memorized, then a quiz is presented. The application is completely free and supports over 15 different languages to choose from. Memrise is a quality application for learning a foreign language and who can argue effectively against the give-away price of zero, nada, zilch?

3. Babbel:

Babbel subscriptions are about eleven dollars per month for each, individual language. Although it’s not an effective free application, it may well prove worth the price of one’s admission. Loads of advanced content are included for the monthly subscription price and progress utilizing the application can be saved, not only on the iPhone or the iPad but on the world-wide-web, as well.

Babbel supports different language learning for the most popularly used languages in the world. Interactive dialogues and lessons that are relatively short, avoiding any real intimidation factor, do help make the application both effective and inviting. Over ten million subscriptions to Babbel have been sold since its inception. It’s an extremely popular app. among many to learn a foreign language.

4. Busuu:

Busuu is a language learning application for iPhone in 2021 that supports 12 different spoken and written languages. Busuu’s biggest selling point is that the lessons are rather short and resultingly, one doesn’t need to set aside a lot of time to study one. Busuu states on their homepage, that by using their application, one can learn a new language in just ten minutes of study time a day.

Busuu is available in a free version with in-app. purchases and also in premium paid versions. The premium versions allow practicing a foreign language with native speakers.

5. Rosetta Stone:

Rosetta Stone is a highly-effective language learning app. for the iPhone. Its touted immersion method works just as it sounds and helps one learn not only both quickly and accurately, but naturally. With their immersion method, it’s relatively easy to go from learning individual words and phrases, right onto entire conversations, without a hiccup, so to speak.

The Rosetta Stone application may be used freely and fully for three calendar days as a trial. After that though, a subscription is required. Subscription prices start at around twenty dollars per month and go up in price from there. One really neat thing about the Rosetta Stone language learning application is that it can be used in an offline mode, not requiring an internet connection, at all.


While learning a foreign language can prove quite intimidating and hard, it’s still advised to decide to do so and then to commit to that decision by studying and practicing, regularly. So many new opportunities truly do abound for each and every new language one dedicates themselves to learning. Whatever iPhone application one may prefer, it’s most important that they use it in the first place. Good luck in your language learning journey and stay the course!

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